Wednesday, February 20, 2008

މުހައްމަދުގެފާނު އަންހެނުންނަށް ފުރައްސާރަކުރެއްވުން

ވޮލިއުމް:4 ފޮތް:54 ހަދީސްނަމްބަރު:464

އިމްރާން ބިން ހުސެއިން ރިވާކުރެއްވިއެވެ؛

ނަބިއްޔާ ހަދީސް ކުރެއްވިއެވެ، "އަހަރެން ސުވަރުގެއަށް ބަލާލީމެވެ، އަދި އެތަނުގެ އަހުލުންގެ ތެރޭގައި އެއްމެ ގިނައީ ފަގީރުން ކަމުގައި ވާތީ ދުށީމެވެ؛ އެއަށްފަހު އަހަރެން ނަރަކައަށް ބަލާލީމެވެ ، އަދި އެތަނުގެ އަހުލުންގެ ތެރޭގައި ގިނައީ އަންހެނުން ކަމުގައި ވާތީ ދުށީމެވެ".

މިހަދީސުން ކަނޑައެޅިގެން އެނގޭ އެއްކަމަކީ ނަރަކައިގާ އަންހެނުން ގިނަކަމެވެ. ސަބަބު ބަޔާން ކުރެވިފައެއް ނެތެވެ. ވީމާ މުސްލިމު ކޮންމެ މީހަކުވެސް އޭނާގެ ދީނާ މެދު ޝައްކު ކުރުމެއްނެތި އެބުނާ ވާހަކައެއް ހަމަޖައްސަން މަސައްކަތް ކުރާނެއެވެ. އެމީހުން ބުނެދާނެއެވެ : "ދުނިޔެ ފެށުމާ ނިމުމާދެމެދު އަންހެނުން އުފަންވާ ނިސްބަތް ގިނަވެއްޖެނަމަ އެހެން ވެދާނެނޫންހެޔެވެ؟" އަނެއް ބަޔަކު ބުނެދާނެއެވެ، "އޭގައި މައްސަލައަކީ ކޮބާހެއްޔެވެ؟ އަންހެނުން ނަރަކައިގާ ގިނަވުމުގެ މާނައަކީ އެމީހުންގެ ތޮބީއަތުގައި ފާފަވެރިވުން ވުމެއް ނޫނެވެ. އެއީ މުސްތަގްބަލުގެ އިލްމުން ﷲ ރަސޫލާއަށް އެންގެވި ހަގީގަތެކެވެ.އެއީ އެމީހުންގެ ކުށެއްނޫނެވެ އެއީ ހަގީގަތެކެވެ."

ނަމަވެސް ހަގީގަތަކީ އެއީ ކޮންމެވެސް ވަރަކަށް އެކަނބަލުންގެ ތޮބީއަތާ ގުޅިފައިވާ ކަމެއްކަމަށް އިސްލާމްދީނުގައި ވާކަމެވެ.އަދި އެކަނބަލުންނަށް ދީނުގައިވާ ހަރުކަށި ހުކުމްތަކަށް ތަބާނުވެވޭނެތީ ވާނެ ގޮތެވެ.މިވާހަކަތަކަށް ޖަވާބު ދިނުން އެއްމެ މޮޅުވާނީ ރަސޫލާ އެބަސްފުޅުން މާނަކުރި އެއްޗެއް އެނގޭނެ އެހެން ހަދީސަކަށް ބަލާލުމުންނެވެ.

ޞަޙީހުލް ބުޚާރީ، ވޮލިއުމް:1 ފޮތް:6 ނަމްބަރު:301
އަބޫ ސައިދް އަލްޚުރްދީ ރިވާކުރެއްވިއެވެ؛
އެއްފަހަރަކު ﷲ ގެ ނަބިއްޔާ ފިތުރު ނުވަތަ އަލްހާ އީދުނަމާދު ކުރައްވަން ވަޑައިގެންނެވި އެވެ. (ވަޑައިގެން މަގުމަތީގައި) އަންހެންވެރިން ހުރަސްކުރައްވާ ވަޑައިގަންނަވަމުން ހަދީސް ކުރެއްވިއެވެ؛
"އޭ އަންހެނުންނޭވެ! ސޮދަގާތް ދޭށެވެ، އެހެނީ ނަރަކައިގެ އަހުލުވެރިންގެ ބޮޑުބަޔަކީ ތިޔަކަނބަލުން ކަމުގައިވާތީ ތިމަންކަލޭގެފާނު ދެކެވަޑައިގެންނެވީމެވެ." އެކަނބަލުން ސުވާލުކުރެއްވިއެވެ؛ " އޭ ﷲ ގެ ނަބިއްޔާއެވެ، އެއީ ކޮން ސަބަބަކާހުރެތޯއެވެ؟" އެކަލޭގެފާނު ޖަވާބުދެއްވިއެވެ: "ތިޔަކަނބަލުން ގިނަގިނައިން (އެހެންމީހުންނަށް) ލައުނަތްދީ ހަދައެވެ،އަދި ތިޔަކަނބަލުންގެ ފިރިންނަށް ޝުކުރުވެރިއެއް ނުވެއެވެ. ތިޔަހާ ބުއްދި އާއި ދީނުގައި އުނިބަޔަކު ތިމަންކަލޭގެފާނު ދުވަހަކުވެސް ދެކެވަޑައި ނުގަންނަވަމެވެ. ތިޔައިގެ ތެރެއިން ބައެއް ކަނބަލުންގެ ސަބަބުން ހެޔޮވިސްނޭ ބުއްދިވެރި ފިރިހެނަކުވެސް މަގުފުރެދިގެން ހިނގައިދާނެއެވެ." އެކަނބަލުން ސުވާލު ކުރެއްވިއެވެ:
"އޭ ﷲ ގެ ނަބިއްޔާއެވެ. އަހަރެމެންގެ ބުއްދިއާއި ދީނުން އުނިވަނީ ކޮން އެއްޗެއްތޯއެވެ؟"
އެކަލޭގެފާނު ހަދީސްފުޅުކުރެއްވިއެވެ: "ދެ އަންހެނުންގެ ހެކިބަހާ އެއްމެ ފިރިހެނެއްގެ ހެކިބަސް އެއްވަރު ކަމުގައި ނުވޭހެއްޔެވެ؟" އެކަނބަލުން އެކަމާ އެއްބަސްވެ ޖަވާބު އެރުވިއެވެ.
އެކަލޭގެފާނު ހަދީސްކުރެއްވިއެވެ: "
މިއީ އެކަނބަލުން (އަންހެންވެރިން)ގެ ބުއްދީގައިވާ އުނިކަމެވެ. ޕީރިއަޑުވެގެން އުޅޭދުވަސްވަރު އަންހެނުން ނަމާދުކުރުމާ ރޯދަހިފުމުން ދުރުވާން ނުޖެހޭ ހެއްޔެވެ؟" އެކަނބަލުން އެކަމާވެސް އެއްބަސްވިއެވެ. ދެން އެކަލޭގެފާނު ހަދީސްފުޅުކުރެއްވިއެވެ، "މިއީ އެކަނބަލުން (އަންހެންވެރިން) ގެ ދީނުގައިވާ އުނިކަމެވެ".

މިހަދީސުން މިކަމުގެ މައިގަނޑު ސަބަބުތައް އެބައެނގެއެވެ. އެއީ އަންހެންވެރިން އެހެން މީހުންނަށް ލައުނަތްދީ ހަދާލެއް ގިނައީޔޯލައެވެ. އެއްމެ ރަނގަޅެވެ. އޭރު މައްކާ އާއި މަދީނާގައި އުޅުނު އަންހެނުން ލައުނަތްދޭ މިންވަރެށް މަށަށްވުރެ ރަނގަޅަށް މުހަންމަދުގެފާނަށް އެނގިދާނެއެވެ. ދެން އެބުނަނީ ފިރިންނަށް ޝުކުރުވެރި ނުވާ ވާހަކައެވެ. މަގޭ ހިތަށް އަރަނީ އޭރު މުހަންމަދުގެފާނާ ސަހާބީން އެމީހުންގެ އަނބިންނާމެދު ކަންތައް ބެހެއްޓި ގޮތަށްބަލާއިރު އެމީހުން ޝުކުރުވެރި ނުވުން އެއީ މައްސަލައެއް ނޫނެވެ. ގޭތެރެއިން ނުކުމެވޭކަށްނެތެވެ. ބޮޑު ޓެންޓެއްގެ ތެރޭގައި ނިވާވެގެން ތިބެންޖެހެއެވެ. ކިތަންމެ ވަރެއްކުރިއަސް ފިރިމީހާއަށް ޝަކުވާކުރެވޭކަށްނެތެވެ. ފިރިމީހާ އެދޭވަގުތު 'ކަންތައް' ނުކޮށްދީފިއްޔާވެސް ﷲ ގެ ލައުނަތްލިބެއެވެ. ފިރިމީހާއަށް ނުކިޔަމަންވާނަމަ އަނިޔާކުރެއެވެ. މިފަދަ އެތައްކަމެކެވެ. މިކަމާ އެއްބަސް ނުވާނެ މީހަކު އެއްބަސް ނުވާންވީއެވެ. އަދި ފަހުން މިވާހަކަތައް ތަފްސީލުކޮށް ލިޔެވޭތޯ ބަލާނަމެވެ.

ދެން އެހަސީކުރައްވަނީއޭ: "
ތިޔަހާ ބުއްދި އާއި ދީނުގައި އުނިބަޔަކު ތިމަންކަލޭގެފާނު ދުވަހަކުވެސް ދެކެވަޑައި ނުގަންނަވަމެވެ. ތިޔައިގެ ތެރެއިން ބައެއް ކަނބަލުންގެ ސަބަބުން ހެޔޮވިސްނޭ ބުއްދިވެރި ފިރިހެނަކުވެސް މަގުފުރެދިގެން ހިނގައިދާނެއެވެ." ހެޔޮނުވާނެއެވެ. މިއީ މިޒަމާނުގައި އާދައިގެ މީހެއްގެ ފުށުންވެސް އިވުން ދުރުބަސްތަކެކެވެ. އެހެންމީހުންނަށް ނަމޫނާއެއްކަމަށް ދައުވާކުރާ ރަސޫލަކުގެ ދުލުން މިބަސްތައް ބޭރުވުމުން އަޖައިބުވެ އަންތަރީސް ވާހާވެއެވެ.

މިތަނުގައި ފުރަތަމަ ޖުމްލާގައި އެ އިޝާރާތް ކުރައްވަނީ ހަމަ އެކަނި އެ ވާހަކަފުޅުދެއްކެވި ބަޔަކަށް ނޫނެވެ. އެކަމަކު ވޭތުވެ ދިޔަތަނުގައި އަދި އަންނަން އޮތްހާދުވަހަކު ދިރިއުޅުނު/ދިރިއުޅޭނެ އެއްމެހާ އަންހެނުންނަށެވެ. އެކަން ފަހުން އެހަދީސް ކުރައްވާ އެއްޗަކުން އެނގޭނެއެވެ.

މިއީ ވަރަށް ޒަމާންވީ އަގީދާއެކެވެ. ބޯދާ އަގީދާއެކެވެ. ގަދީމީ ވަރަށްގިނަ ދީންތަކާއި ފަލްސަފާތަކުގައި ދުނިޔޭގެ ހުރިހާ ނުބައެއްގެ ފަހަތުގައިވަނީ އަންހެނުންކަމުގައި ދެކެއެވެ. މިއީ އިސްލާމް ދީނަށް ހާއްސަ ކަމެއްކަމުގައި ނުދެކެވެއެވެ. އެހެނަސް މިއީ މިއަދުގެ ދުނިޔޭގައި "ގެރެންޓީ ހަމަވެފައިވާ" ވިސްނުމެކެވެ.

ދެން އެ ދެގޮތުންމެ އެކަނބަލުން އުނިވީ ކީއްވެކަން އެހާމަކުރެއްވީއެވެ. ގަބޫލުކުރަން ބޭނުން ނުވިނަމަވެސް މުހަންމަދުގެފާނު ދުނިޔޭގެ އެއްމެހާ އަންހެނުންނާ ދިމާއަށް އެފަދަ ނިކަމެތި، ދަށުދަރަޖައިގެ ގޮތަކަށް އެ ހަދީސްކުރެއްވި އެއްޗަކީ އެކަނބަލުން ކުރި ކުށަކާ ނުލާ އެއްވެސް ޚައްޤަކާނުލާ ހަދީސްކުރެއްވި އެއްޗެކެވެ.
އާދެ އެހެންގޮތަކަށް ދަންނަވާނަމަ އެއީ އަންހެނެއްގެ ގޮތުގައި ދުނިޔެއަށް އައުމުގެ ބަދުނަސީބުކަމުން ވީގޮތެކެވެ. ޕީރިއަޑުވުމަކީ އެކަނބަލުންގެ ކުށެއްތޯއެވެ؟ އެކަމަކު ޕީރިއަޑުވީމާ އަޅުކަން ކުރުން މަނާކޮށްފައި އެކަމާ މަލާތް ކުރާޒާތަށް ވާހަކަ ދެއްކުމީ އެމީހެއްގެ ފެންވަރު އެނގިގެންދާކަމެކެވެ. ހަމައެހެން؛
ދެ އަންހެނުންގެ ހެކިބަހާ އެއްމެ ފިރިހެނެއްގެ ހެކިބަސް އެއްވަރު ކަމުގައި ބުނެފައި އެކަމާ ވިއްދައިގެން އެއީ ކަލޭމެންނަކީ ފުރިހަމަ ބުއްދިއެއް ލިބިފައި ނުވާބަޔަކަށް ވީމައޭ ބުނުމަކީ ކޮންފަދަ މަލާމާތެއްހެއްޔެވެ. ކޮންފަދަ އަނިޔާއެއް ހެއްޔެވެ. އެބައިމީހުންނަށް އޮޅުވާލައިގެން އެތައްބައިވަރު ފައިދާއެއް ނަގަމުން އަދި ނުވިތާކަށް އެމީހުން ނިކަމެތިކޮށްފައި އެނިކަމެތިކަމާމެދު ހަޖޫޖަހާ މަލާމާތް ކުރުމަކީ ވަރަށް ވިޔާނުދާ ، އަނިޔާވެރިކަމާ ބޮޑާކަމުގެ އިންތިހާއެވެ. އެހެންނޫން ތޯއެވެ؟

ވަﷲ އަޢުލަމް!
އަހަރެން ދުނިޔޭގެ އެއްމެހާ އަންހެނުންގެ ޚައްޤުގައި، މި ހަދީސް ވަރަށް ހަރުކަށިކޮށް ކުށްވެރިކުރަމެވެ. އހ


lineone said...


lineone said...


Anonymous said...

haadha moya eyy dhoo..amilla bloguga amillayah anti-comments koffa hehe

Anonymous said...

blog approval eyyy...anekkaaves bune veynee varah ves moya kame keyy

Anonymous said...

magu furedhifa vaa meehun ulheyne ehenmeehun ves magu furadhdhan.. ey dhuniyey ge aadha..

do u really expect us practising faithful muslims to belive that shit u have just

rot in hell man...

Anonymous said...

ok i have one question for the person who condemned this hadhees. by the way i am commenting on the authenticity of the hadhees. i would like to pose this question. if we take heaven and hell for granted as places that exist then who shall be in hell. i mean which group of ppl shall be in hell that can be acceptable to us? for example would it be acceptable that only mature men should be there? or young girls? or old women? or little babies? which group is acceptable to us? i think none, right? so our problem seems not to be with the hadhees in question but with our judging standards. there are criminals and saints in every group that we can group humanity in to. little boys have done heinous crimes, so have little girls and mature women. and there are good and bad ppl both in men and women. so instead of finding fault with ppl in hell why dont we do some little audit of ourselves? like contemplating where would we fit in? i am only saying that existence of heaven and hell is taken for granted in this situation. if not then we have a bigger problem to contemplate than this. am i right?

Anonymous said...

last anonymous,i think the prob is very clear.It is the fact that mohamed uttered these words. not that there is a problem with more women in an imaginary fire pit-who cares even if only old and innocent peopl end up there. atleast i dont.

its how he insulted women."ruhumuge lolakah aibeh nufennaae", so you will never see anything wrong with anything related to mohamed unless you think out of the box or atleast believe that thinking freely wont take you to hell.

and if you think this bukhari hadith is not authentic..on what basis are you saying that?is it because its not inline with modern moral values? can you just pick and choose what ever hadith you find appropriate and say it is only authentic?

if you reject all hadiths...then you must be a quranite.but most maldivians are NOT quranites.

if he stopped after saying there are more women in hell; it would have been better. but being the supreme infallible leader; he went on to mock the we all know, muslims will have something to say defending their beliefs or else you might not be a are all 100% sure about all the crap in quran and in authentic hadiths.and if you think these are wrong there are a hell lot of crap in the Quran too.alloahuakbaru.

Anonymous said...

another moya thaakun thaaku nujehey comment eh dho....i must say i'm not gonna say anything on this blog, or to the self enlightened fokheads who think they are too free to contemplate the existence of a heaven or a hell

liv the remainder of your finite life kiddin yourself

kaleymennah kaleymen gaboolu kuraa gotheh...ekamu bunan bakataa thi mimbaruga huregen kommehen aharunnna lectaru aruvaane kamehnei

Anonymous said...

dear zambrool. at the begining of my reply i said the person who has a problem believing in the concept of hell and paradise has a bigger problem than this hadhees in question. allow me to pose this question. why is it so difficult to believe in hell when we see so many hot fireballs (suns, stars...) around us? go out in a starry night and look up and count the number of stars you can see... which is only a very few number visible in the range we humans can see. now there are light that are much luminous that can't even be seen and light which is too far away which cannot be seen. dho? besides with the naked eye one can only see the stars in this our own galaxy, which is only one of this vast universe of which only 13 billion light years of distance is visible to us. now try to imagine how many fireballs like this would be contained in this space? and beyond??? here is a helpful link:

now i am not trying to baffle with you with big talks but only asking you to admit that there is a limit to our knowledge and there are things which we shall not discount without proper knowledge and forethought. so if you have a problem believing in hell or paradise then you would fit in the category of ppl who would need assistance believing such commonly understood things such as gravity and radio waves because even these things are not visible to the naked eye. right? so what are your thoughts.. pls let me know. i will be reading this page hopefully tommorow.

Anonymous said...

dear zambrool. at the begining of my reply i said the person who has a problem believing in the concept of hell and paradise has a bigger problem than this hadhees in question. allow me to pose this question. why is it so difficult to believe in hell when we see so many hot fireballs around us? go out in a starry night and look up and count the number of stars you can see... which is only a very few number visible in the range we humans can see. now there are light that are much luminous that can't even be seen. besides with the naked eye one can only see the stars in this our own galaxy, which is only one of this vast universe of which only 13 billion light years of distance is visible to us. now try to imagine how many fireballs like this would be contained in this space? and beyond??? here is a helpful link:

now i am not trying to baffle with you with big talks but only asking you to admit that there is a limit to our knowledge and there are things which we shall not discount without proper knowledge

Anonymous said...

cmon are bein ridiculous now.
\"why is it so difficult to believe in hell when we see so many hot fireballs (suns, stars...) around us?"/

really? why is so difficult to believe that flying spaghetti monster created the universe when we see a lot of spaghetti and meat ball around us.hahaha..balaaennu. ur just trying to fool around i guess.i think harun yahya created the world.heheheh.this is too much.

Anonymous said...

--God doesnt exist.
The personal God of major world religions is a human invention created in the image of man. This is why God is merciful yet avenging, generous yet depriving, loving yet tyrranical, infinite yet limited. These incosistencies in the definition of God is enough to kill him. Since God is the bedrock of religion, demolishing him would bring down all religious dogma including Heaven and Hell.

--No absolute morality
Another reason that Heaven and Hell are imaginary is a lack of absolute morality. There are no universal moral values by which a God can judge us. Morality varies within cultures, with times, with experience, with knowledge. Islamic ethics may have been suitable for 7th century Makkah but its not applicable to 21st century Tokyo, or 15th century England. So it would be unfair to judge all these groups with the same ethical yardstick. Ergo, if God exists, then he's very cruel and unfair. But thankfully he doesnt due to lack of any evidence.

--Human knowledge limited, but God is within those limits.
As for your appeal to limits of human knowledge, I'd say it would be a very stupid man who would imagine something and then say that it exists without giving any evidence. In this way I could say that unicorns, dragons, centaurs, etc also exist. But they dont, and why not? No evidence. As for your astronomical example, we may have a bit of difficulty trying to comprehend the vastness of the universe, but we can *know* its vastness and count the stars and number them etc. I dont see a problem with knowledge, but a problem with comprehension here. And that problem could be overcome if we raise our consciousness. Now there certainly are epistemological limits, I am not denying that. But the gods we're talking about are well-within those limits and hence fodder for scientific experiment. If you're a pantheist and claim that all these personal Gods are false and that the true God is outside those limits of human knowledge then He can never be known or unknown. In that case you can never be sure of his existence, you'll be an agnostic.


Anonymous said...

@zambrool ge ama... sorry bafa!
i was trying to say something about the popular view of hell and hell fire. now our sun being 98% of this solar system what are we, who are we if our hell is the sun? the sun can vapourize us and our history just if the earth moves a few million miles towards it. right? now this sun is but one of the many uncountable fire balls out there are.

Anonymous said...

@ kaafir
god does exist. and i think you have mixed the attributes of god with the definitions and some hot air...
allow me to correct you.
the definition of god according to islam is this. that god is one, that he is selfsustained, that god begets not and that god is not begotten. now i do not say these are the only definitions humans use. certain other religions use other views.
then there is the inconsistencies which is coming to mind if someone has already made up his mind as to how god should be. if this is the case then say a mad man is convinced that he is a ghost. no amount of persuation would convince him otherwise. so in effect what he had was preconcieved ideas. not neccesarily truths.

then there is the case of morality of 7th century Makkahand 21st century Tokyo, and 15th century England... i do not get the joke from this. there are moral values which has not changed since time immemorial. try to tell me in which era and in which country were the following morally acceptable:
1) fighting and quaralling with neighbours.
2) disrespecting parents.
3) being corrupt in bussiness.
etc etc.
were they acceptable in the 7th century mecca? and 15 the century europe? i think not.
pls convince me.

about evidence of or for god. this is a much overused term and this is my question for the question of evidence. what would be acceptable for the person inquiring about the evidence of god? would he need stone tablets? or reams and reams of printed pages possibly with mathematical formulas or some distant echoes of creation in the form of cosmic background radiation? what would suffice for evidence? also this one question. just because someone was not aware of a certain happening could he also be certain that to others also the same knowledge could be opaque?

Anonymous said...

where is my comment?

Anonymous said...

you coward! why are you afraid to show my comment? afraid that your ignorance will be shamed in public? shame on you!

Anonymous said...

surah ikhlas is not the only definition of God Muslims tout. there is the whole baggae of Al-Asmaa wah-Sifaat eh? The third part of the belief in Tawhid if i am not wrong. These 'Names' of God are in contradiction with one another, and they fail to explain evil and injustice in the world today. Why does God allow the killing of babies?

Morality does vary. Sex is a common example. Virginity used to be lauded but now its not that important. Cannibalism is alright in some communities but no in others. Homosexuality is considered a normal sexual orientation these days while most religions maintain its unnatural and pathological. So how can God judge all these different communities with one moral framework (assuming he exists)? This is why Heaven and Hell cant exist. These examples you listed only apply to a social setting which is typical of most humans. It doesnt apply to a say, hermit, or a monk who doesnt do business, or someone who was born an orphan. They have no use for these laws and hence its unfair that others should be tested and put to trial while they are somehow exempt from those laws due to circumstances. These moral values though common for a set of certain humans (social humans at this point of evolution), is not applicable for all, and hence not absolute. The fact that all societies have come up with a few common moral values (not absolute mind you), only prove that we need not rsort to an ancient book, but can deduce whats good with our reason. Hence God is not required to dictate whats good or evil.

I dont believe that God exits because there is no evidence. My evidence would be among other things, Him coming down to Earth and talking to me saying He's Allah and to believe in Him. Another thing would be if an amputee could grow his limb just by praying to God. Or maybe the dead could rise in front of me. Its not difficult for God aint it? So why cant he do it for me?

Anonymous said...

as for that question at the end, yes i believe its possible for some ppl to know something others dont (if thats what you meant), as a lot of religious ppl so beautifully prove.

Anonymous said...

(1) Not names of god. But attributes of god. And they are not there to explain the injustices committed in the world. Maybe you are mixing priorities.
(2) Virginity maybe not important to some ppl. But i would prefer to have a virgin for a wife. i think the majority of human race irrespective of their religion or belief would want it this way.
(3) the reason given as to why heaven and hell can’t exist is a little bit ridiculous because nowhere in scriptures is it mentioned that it is incumbent on god to create hell to punish or paradise to reward. On the contrary the scriptures say god had no compulsion. He merely created what he wills. It has nothing to do with humans being moral or immoral. If we imply thus we are only considering us as equal or greater than god.
(4) How god can judge all different ppl with differing moral frameworks and timeframes is easy. God has already created something much much more vast and complex than this little bit of sorting out, which is the creation.
(5) Everybody needs laws. And without laws humans perish. This is commonsense and simple truth. And who more qualified to give laws than the creator himself? Who more qualified than the creator to tell which is right and which is wrong? Not only this. We humans are created with inbuilt circuitry to distinguish between right and wrong. And these routines are not in conflict with belief in god.
(6) God has given many many such miracles to the disbelievers because of their insistence to the prophets. And guess what? Neither did they believe when they see miracles forming in front of their eyes. They either said its magic or something similar and dismissed it. So a miracle is a miracle to someone who can appreciate a miracle. Try giving a mirror to blind? What use has he of a mirror?

Anonymous said...

1. Names AND Attributes. Thats what the arabic 'asma wah sifaat' means. Then tell me what ARE their benifits? I always thought they were meant for us to understand a God who hides behind the clouds up above the Heavens and is never seen by us. And the understanding I get is that He's a mean, wicked, sadistic, cruel bigot who hates and punishes as he wills, but also claims to be loving and merciful. Isnt this a huge contradiction? Why did he create Satan? Why does Evil exist? Why do small babies die? These questions cannot be answered without acknowledging a darker side to God, an evil side which we are taught to always ignore. This again proves that God is a creation of fallible humans trying to explain the the world around them. That is, God doesnt exist.

2. What you or I like or what the majority likes is not the absolute. Maybe I didnt make myself clear. Just because the majority agree to a certain law doesnt make that law true for all times and all peoples. However this is exactly what divine laws claim to be. They claim that stealing is wrong, but isnt plundering an infidel town stealing? They maintain that murder is wrong, but isnt killing of kaafirs in wars allowed? Same goes for respecting parents. Does God's law asks us to respect a psychopathic parent who tries to murder us? Perhaps Ishmael would say yes, but most of us would retaliate in self-defense. I am talking about exceptions here. The ten commandments may have been written on stone, but they are not absolute. Even the Catholics are trying to set their ancient religion to modern times with a new list of seven sins. More proof that God is a human invention and that he changes according to their will.

3. Then why did he create Hell and Heaven? Why threaten immoral ppl with Hell and bribe moral ppl with Heaven if they werent created for that purpose? Some religious people would say its a mystery. But I see no other reason for that except that some humans saw the injustice in this world and invented a Being who would correct that injustice in an imaginary afterlife. What other reason is there for Hell and Heaven? So are you saying that God will judge us according to the circumstances? This proves that God's laws are not absolute once again. And no set of laws can be, for then it would a huge injustice to everyone else who fall under the exceptions. But ofcourse God says that his laws are absolute, which goes against his attribute of being just.

4. Yeah all societies need law. Sadly there is no such 'creator' to give us laws. But thankfully we have evolved a consciousness to help us make our own laws and determine what is right and wrong for ourselves. This abolishes the need for a divine law. Since as you say, we know whats good and bad, we dont need some imaginary guy in the clouds to tell us this is good and that is bad.

6. Yeah but lots of people did believe in them right? I am just asking if God can do those now. Who knows, if I dont believe then there might be lots of others who will believe and it will strengthen the faiths of hypocrites. But I guess he wont because he feels that we dont deserve a miracle. Is this because he is evil and doesnt want us to believe in him like he wanted the previous ppl to do so? Or is this because he is just an imaginary invention and all those miracle stories are just false?

Anonymous said...

1. Asma wa sifah is names and attributes of god alright. But if one is determined to believe in what little he knows of or thinks he knows of and is not willing to budge or to improve or to progress than what benefit will asma wa sifah be to him? Very little I guess. Now why god created Satan is simple. It’s because god does not have any compulsion. God creates what he wills. And who are we (you and me?) to ask about it? If somehow we cannot stomach it then it means we are applying our standards to something that is higher. Now is that fair? Why does god has to be only the loving grandfather type old person the Christians portray? Why does god has to fit in with our stereotyped thinking of him?
2. Laws have limits and provisions; so killing in cold blood for no reason is murder, but killing in war is justified when all options has been exhausted. Now if some religion says thou shalt not kill for any reason whatsoever then that is their problem. That particular religion has to explain how they can respond to a situation of war when war arises. But in Islam there are ways in which wars can be waged and wars can be declared. And there are strict guidelines to be followed even in war in Islam. I don’t know if this about other religions. You mentioned Prophet Ishmael … I think this a good moment to reflect on yourself. Who is this that is passing his own verdict about Ishmael and how little and insignificant is his views to the humanity? Prophet Ishmael is loved by the vast majority of the human race. All these three big religions acknowledge and love and respect and revere this man and yet some 2000 years later some anonymous person is pouring out hatred from his heart against this prophet to what end? To tarnish his image? Or is this a symptom of an inferiority complex the anonymous has? Or just showing off to get some attention?
3. Why god created heaven and hell is very simple. Because he can. Now imagine this. Suppose the sun praying to god like this: “o god. You have created me hot and fiery... this is not justice… make me like earth… with rivers and ice mountains and beautiful islands in big oceans…” its also like a woman praying “o god why didn’t you make a man” or a beggar complaining about his plight to god “o, god why did you make me destitute while you gave riches to others?” now the problem with this is we are not getting beyond this first step. Think what will happen if god answered all these prayers and the sun overnight became like earth and all the woman of the world were changed to men and that every human being all of a sudden became rich and there were no beggars or those who has any wants or needs? What will happen then? Everything will collapse. Every system will collapse and life would stop and the show ends. Everything is held together by laws some like, some diverse by a divine blueprint. If the variables are substituted all with like terms the system collapses.
4. Humans have evolved a consciousness to help us make our own laws? Right. But there are questions. What about euthanasia? Who gets to decide to end life? Gay marriages? What will it lead to? Sure, it has been allowed in many western countries. But what effects are felt overall for the society? Benefits or more woes? With our so called evolved consciousness have we been able to provide answers or will we ever be? Heard about bachelor villages in china? Its one of the many woes china is facing because of their one child experiment. Abortion? The mother has a right, the father has a right, but does the child have? The adults can voice our concerns, write emails, petition the populace but what about the helpless child that’s growing inside? Just because it cannot talk do we decide its fate; either to live or to die? Could this same be applied to dumb ppl also? So what are the answers to these questions by our so called evolved consciousness?
The scientists are telling us that every second god is creating three miracles only if we look in to our own race. The humankind. Every second three babies are born. And that is three miracles. But of course miracles can be understood by those are able to understand things. Now consider one little baby born. Even at the time its born its brain is incredibly more complex than BlueGene/L supercomputer. Have doubts? Then read about the half brain of mice they simulated on BlueGene/L supercomputer. Here is the link:
That’s only half brain of a rat. Not even a full sized brain simulation. Also we are talking about a baby’s brain not an adult one. Now what is a miracle? Here is some more info.
“…A baby's brain is a mystery whose secrets scientists are just beginning to unravel. The mystery begins in the womb -- only four weeks into gestation the first brain cells, the neurons, are already forming at an astonishing rate: 250,000 every minute. Billions of neurons will forge links with billions of other neurons and eventually there will be trillions and trillions of connections between cells. Every cell is precisely in its place, every link between neurons carefully organized. Nothing is random, nothing arbitrary…”

Anonymous said...

my comment pls?

Anonymous said...

ey loabivaa akhaa eve. thibaage liun thah huttalaasheve. ehen noony thibaage boa kadhuraayaa vaki kollan kerey ethah baeh midhivehi fasgandu gai ulheyne kamaa medhu aharen shakkei nukurameive.

Anonymous said...

ey loabivaa akhaa eve. thibaage liun thah huttalaasheve. ehen noony thibaage boa kadhuraayaa vaki kollan kerey ethah baeh midhivehi fasgandu gai ulheyne kamaa medhu aharen shakkei nukurameive.

Mohamed Nisham said...

EY mihira Allah ge adhuvva. ma bunedheefaanan vaahaka eh. mi liyumuge dhashuga huri hurihaa vaahaka eh ge there in varah gina kan thah mashah dhimaavefa huri meeheh ma mi ee. ma gaathuga thivaru ge moya yaku huttas eccheh nubunaane. halaaku huri dhivehi dhari akah kaley kahala meehaku vy thy ve.

dharmabuddhi said...

alaaiyvaru nikan meegen evves vaahaka akah seedhaa radhdhu dheebala. beykaruvaahaka gina kurumaa birudhekkumaa auguraanagovun noon kameh kuran engey baeh noon theekee. islam dheen fethuree kandinneh nooney fokey veedheyne thibegen nikan. mithaa liyefa eheree hadhees.ei dhogekey buney dhen noonee ei aslu hadheeseh nooney. amilladheen rangalhah balaabala thiulhevenee kihaavarehge dheenakah tho